Civics Meeting Minutes October 26, 2023
Housekeeping items
The committee meeting will be triweekly with working groups starting on the alternating weeks.
Immediate committee tasks
Defining safeguards for CIP-1694 given its amendability
This committee’s job will include reviewing proposed guardrails and exploring whether they can be algorithmically defined. This will include imagining failure states of the system to work backwards and see if they can be avoided.
Long term committee tasks
Consider how the constitution can create legal agency and rights for the assets and users in the system. This includes asset, consent, and property rights as well as a dispute resolution system for Cardano
Establishing working groups
Cardano treasury budget working group
Goal: Define initial settings and safeguards for Cardano treasury at the launch of 1694. Propose an annual budget for the Cardano treasury
Define: What does the community need, what should the budget be, how to break it into buckets, then how should spending work.
It would need to also define accountability, oversight, due diligence, when to litigate (if the funds are misused)/ legal recourse.
Separate the annual budget from the long arc goals.
Parameter Guardrails working group, complementary and in collaboration with the Parameter Committee.
Goal: define parameter guardrails. Subdivide into groups of parameters.
This requires imagining failure states.
Eventually, we may want a governance philosophy working group after accomplishing the short term working group goals first.
Suggesting that we make community input a way of working within each committee/working group.
Last updated